

All attendance information recorded on devices is sent and stored on our server, available 24/7 for viewing from anywhere in the world. This information can be easily exported and shared in PDF, CSV, or XLS documents.


Those responsible for monitoring staff will receive real-time alerts based on predefined rules such as late arrivals, shift openings, absenteeism, overtime, etc.


Our system has been a source of probative material in labor lawsuits in Uruguayan jurisprudence, as it can accurately demonstrate employee attendance.


It integrates with a wide range of HR software and ERPs available on the market.


By recording the various reasons for absence (illness, rain, strike, etc.), you can obtain statistics and cross-reference information.

Report and Control Panel

With charts and management indicators you can analyze metrics, statistics, patterns, and trends in your workforce's behavior, helping you make better decisions.

Shift and Break Schedule

You can set up rotating shifts and their corresponding breaks.

Shift Planning

This module allows you to automatically plan work shifts, reducing time and costs.

Accurate Payroll and Wage Calculation

The generated information is used as a source for calculating salaries and wages.